We cannot take Leeds City Council seriously on transport - YEP letters

Do we need to sort our transport problems at the basic level?Do we need to sort our transport problems at the basic level?
Do we need to sort our transport problems at the basic level?
FROM: Bill McKinnon, Leeds

The Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy talks about “mixed modes of transport,” “delivering a mass transit system,” and “increasing modal split”.

These are all left over expressions from New Generation Transport, the failed trolleybus scheme, which itself succeeded a failed tram scheme.

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I guess it’s hard for people who worked on the previous schemes to drop the old buzz words. But with a history of total failure, why is the council trying yet again to build a mass transit system? Haven’t they got better things they could be doing?

For example, how about giving us a decent electric bus system? If they can’t even do that, how can they possibly hope to deliver a mass transit system? Perhaps delivering a decent bus system is too dull a task for a council which would rather be building new mass transit infrastructure on unspoilt greenspace, or expanding the airport, a decision which invites derision and makes a complete mockery of the council’s other transport aims.

Who could ever take Leeds City Council seriously after such a blatantly hypocritical decision?